Participant Presentations on ongoing work/research (2 hours)
Christian Buckl (TU München, Germany): Developing
Software for Embedded Systems
Alexandru Coman (University of Alberta, Canada): Query
Processing in Sensor Networks
Luca Mottola (Politecnico di Milano, Italy): Introducing
Logical Neighborhoods for Programming Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks
Andre Schumacher (Helsinki University of Technology,
Finnland): Optimization Algorithms for Multihop Wireless Networks
The summer school will be held just before AdHoc NOW 2006.
This will faciliate attending two relevant events in one trip.
Registration, Costs, and Travelling
The registration fee will be $400, with the registration fee
for some graduate student participants covered through support from
MITACS (the deadline to apply for one of these waivers has passed and
we awarded all 40 registration fee waivers). Participants are
responsible to arrange for their own travel
and accomodation. For example, residence space at the University of
Ottawa is available for approximately $35/day for a single room or
$50/day for a shared room, for more accomodation information please see
the Conference
Location and Accomodation page for AdHoc NOW 2006.
Participants are expected to arrive in the afternoon or evening
of Sunday, August 13. The school itself will begin on Monday
morning and end Wednesday evening, August 16.