Enabling QoS in Web Service Composition in a P2P Environment
Carleton University, Ontario, Canada. January 2005.

As Web Services technology is growing rapidly, the need to create more complex business services is becoming apparent. Web Service composition research gained momentum as businesses valued the possibility of automatic integration and collaboration. BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) is one of the prominent Web Service composition notations. BPEL facilitates the creation and execution of business processes based on Web Services. This thesis extends the BPEL approach by enabling clients to define their required Quality of Service (QoS), binds selected Web Services at run time and creates BPEL documents dynamically. This thesis introduces a new framework in which Web Service providers can announce the QoS and clients can search and find their required QoS. The framework uses a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) environment; P2P implementations create an overlay network that provides enhanced security. Another advantage is that P2P puts similar services into closed communities so that the search and discovery of services is accelerated.