- Ying Ge1, Thomas Kunz2, Louise Lamont1
- 1 Communications Research Center
- 2 Carleton University
- Link state metrics should be available and manageable
- Link quality changes quickly and continuously due to node movement and
surrounding changes
- Computational cost and protocol overhead affect the performance of the
QoS routing protocol
- Protocol performance evaluation is complex
- Advantages
- suitable for the unpredictable nature of Ad-Hoc networks
- suitable for the requirement of quick reaction to QoS demands
- makes call admission control possible
- avoids the waste of network resources
- Disadvantages
- introduces additional protocol overhead
- trade-off between the QoS performance and traditional protocol
- Selects MPR to cover 2-hop neighbors
- Exchanges neighbor/MPR information in Hello message
- Generates and relays TC message to broadcast topology information
- Reduces control overhead by limiting MPR set
- In the graph, B selects C as MPR
- OLSR protocol does not guarantee to find the best bandwidth route
- Three heuristics are proposed to enhance OLSR in bandwidth aspect
- The heuristics select good bandwidth neighbor as MPR
- Based on evaluation in static network scenarios, heuristic … is chosen
- In the previous network topology, B selects A,F as MPRs
- Implement heuristic in OPNET
- Define different bandwidth updating threshold to compare the performance
(20% OLSR, 40% OLSR, 80% OLSR)
- Revise Wireless LAN model to compute idle time, which reflects link
available bandwidth
- Piggyback idle time info in Hello and TC messages
- Computing best bandwidth routes based on available topology
- More MPRs are selected; more TC messages are generated and relayed
- The additional control messages increase the Wireless LAN network load
- The overlap of 2-hop neighbors covered by MPRs causes TC collision
- Outperforms the original OLSR protocol in bandwidth aspect
- In a dense network, the 40% OLSR finds the best bandwidth route
- In a sparse network, the 20% OLSR finds the best bandwidth route
- There is a trade-off, so must select routing algorithms based on the
request of the data application