- Thomas Kunz
- Systems and Computer Engineering
- Carleton University
- http://kunz-pc.sce.carleton.ca/
- tkunz@sce.carleton.ca
- Infrastructure-less, may need to traverse multiple wireless links to
reach a destination
- Mobility causes route changes
- Ease of deployment
- Speed of deployment
- Decreased dependence on infrastructure
- Personal area networking
- cell phone, laptop, ear phone, wrist watch
- Military environments
- Civilian environments
- taxi cab network
- meeting rooms
- sports stadiums
- boats, small aircraft
- Emergency operations
- search-and-rescue
- policing and fire fighting
- Wireless communication: huge field, but not mine J (I.e.: IEEE 802.11/15/16 standards, CDMA, coding
and modulation)
- Many open research problems for TCP/IP networks, multiple IETF working
groups exploring part of the problem space
- Dynamic topology: routing (MANET) and management (ZEROCONF)
- Mobility management (in particular when MANET is connected through
gateway to fixed Internet): Mobile IP, SEAMOBY
- Transport layer: flow control for streaming services: DCCP
- Own research interest: routing (energy efficiency, capacity maximizing,
multicast routing), QoS support, interlayer design
- Mobile Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols:
- Limited radio transmission range and node mobility
- Many Routing Protocols (literally 100s):
- On-demand: AODV, DSR
- Pro-Active: OLSR
- Hybrid: ZRP
- Problems:
- Most existing performance comparisons based on ideal propagation model
(free space model, two-ray ground model)
- Our simulation results with shadowing model show severe performance
- Question: does physical layer impact performance of routing protocols
and if so, what to do about it?
- Ideal Models
- Free space model and two-ray ground reflection model
- Shadowing Model
- b: loss exponent,
corresponding to mean transmission range
- s:shadowing
- Signal strength fluctuates in shadowing model
- Ideal model (left) and shadowing model (right) over the same distance
between two nodes
- Fluctuation at least 2 orders of magnitude
- Signal strength fluctuation causes active links to “break”
- Simulations of AODV & DSR show that
- Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) decreases significantly
- Broken links introduce more Route Discovery processes
- Cause more control messages and longer packet delay
- Performance Comparisons with different b values
- Link state metrics should be available and manageable
- Link quality changes quickly and continuously due to node movement and
surrounding changes
- Computational cost and protocol overhead affect the performance of the
QoS routing protocol
- Protocol performance evaluation is complex
- Advantages
- suitable for the unpredictable nature of Ad-Hoc networks
- suitable for the requirement of quick reaction to QoS demands
- makes call admission control possible
- avoids the waste of network resources
- Disadvantages
- introduces additional protocol overhead
- trade-off between the QoS performance and traditional protocol
- Selects MPR to cover 2-hop neighbors
- Exchanges neighbor/MPR information in Hello message
- Generates and relays TC message to broadcast topology information
- Reduces control overhead by limiting MPR set
- In the graph, B selects C as MPR
- OLSR protocol does not guarantee to find the best bandwidth route
- Three heuristics are proposed to enhance OLSR in bandwidth aspect
- The heuristics select good bandwidth neighbor as MPR
- Based on evaluation in static network scenarios, heuristic 2 is chosen:
best-bandwidth neighbours are selected as MPRs until 2-hop neighbourhood
is covered
- In the previous network topology, B selects A,F as MPRs
- Outperforms the original OLSR protocol in bandwidth aspect (i.e., finds
better bandwidth routes)
- More MPRs are selected; more TC messages are generated and relayed
- The additional control messages increase the MANET network load
- The overlap of 2-hop neighbors covered by MPRs causes TC collision
- Mesh nodes: special hardware based on Intel IXP 425 NPU (ZAP nodes)
- Wireless Links: 802.11a/b/g, future support for 802.16a
- Software: Routing between ZAP nodes based on OLSR (CRC code)
- My research group: QoS support at MAC, routing, and end-to-end layer
- Related project (i.e., shared platform) at U of O with Prof. Makrakis