Multicasting in Ad-Hoc
Networks: Comparing AODV and ODMRP
Thomas Kunz and Ed Cheng |
Systems and Computer Engineering |
Carleton University |
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Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Infrastructure-less, may need to
traverse multiple wireless links to reach a destination |
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Mobility causes route changes |
Why Ad Hoc Networks ?
Ease of deployment |
Speed of deployment |
Decreased dependence on infrastructure |
Many Applications
Personal area networking |
cell phone, laptop, ear phone, wrist
watch |
Military environments |
soldiers, tanks, planes |
Civilian environments |
taxi cab network |
meeting rooms |
sports stadiums |
boats, small aircraft |
Emergency operations |
search-and-rescue |
policing and fire fighting |
Many envisioned applications for ad hoc
networks require one-to-many communication |
Multicast protocols are intended to
efficiently support such communication patterns |
Multicasting well researched in fixed
networks (i.e., the Internet), but host and router mobility cause problems |
MANET specific protocols are being
proposed |
MAODV: multicast extensions for AODV,
establishes shared tree |
ODMRP: new multicast protocol, based on
per-source mesh |
Goal: study and compare protocols to
identify possible avenues for improvement |
Related Work
Bagrodia et al.: compared a number of
MANET multicast protocols, found that mesh-based protocols outperform
tree-based protocols (includes ODMRP but not MAODV) |
Lim and Kim: proposed generic approach
to reduce flooding inherent in multicast tree construction |
Royer and Perkins: studied effect of
transmission range on AODV performance |
Our work: compare two proposed
protocols based on very different design principles and study performance
under various scenarios |
MAODV: Multicast Ad Hoc On-Demand
Distance Vector protocol |
Routes discovered on-demand via
broadcast |
MAODV (cont)
Nodes in the multicast tree reply |
MAODV (cont)
Source selects and activates one route,
based on AODV route selection criteria (freshest info, shortest route) |
MAODV (cont)
First node to join a group becomes
leader |
Leader periodically broadcasts group
hello messages (including updated group sequence number) |
Multicast tree based on hard state,
nodes joining or leaving require action to reconfigure the tree |
Downstream nodes who detect link
failure will try to reconnect to tree |
In case of network partition, two trees
get established, after network partitions merge, multicast trees are merged
again as well. |
One node will receive two group hello
messages for some multicast group and will ask the leader with lower ID for
permission to reconnect and will do so by joining multicast group |
ODMRP: On-demand Multicast Routing
Protocol |
Each source periodically broadcasts
join requests, interested receivers reply, mesh gets established |
ODMRP (cont)
Qualitative Comparison
Simulation Environment
NS2 |
Widely used network simulator |
Simple physical model (free space
propagation plus two-way ground reflection) |
MAC: 802.11 RTS/CTS |
Provides support for node mobility,
unicast protocols such as DSR, AODV for ad hoc networks already implemented |
Simulation parameters |
1000 x 1000 meter area, 250 m radio
range, 2 Mbps link capacity |
50 nodes, 1 multicast group |
900 seconds simulation time |
Mobility model: Random Waypoint model,
0 seconds pause time, max speed between 1 m/s to 20 m/s |
Traffic: CBR (4 packets of 512 bytes
per second and sender) |
Parameters varied: Number of Senders,
Node Mobility, Group Size |
Simulation Environment:
Evaluation Criteria
Packet Delivery Ratio: The ratio of the
number of packets actually delivered to the destinations versus the number of
data packets supposed to be received |
Number of data packets transmitted per
data packet delivered: includes retransmissions and dropped packets |
Number of control packets transmitted
per data packet delivered: routing protocol overhead, normalized by user
traffic (protocols are on-demand) |
Number of control packets and data
packets transmitted per data packet delivered: This measure tries to capture
a protocol’s channel access efficiency, as the cost of channel access is high
in contention-based link layers |
Results I: Number of
Twenty group members, maximum speed
1m/s |
Results I: Number of
Senders (cont)
Results II: Node Mobility
Twenty multicast group members, five
senders |
Results II: Node Mobility
Results III: Multicast
Group Size
Five senders, maximum speed 1m/s |
Results III: Multicast
Group Size (cont)
MAODV has poorer packet delivery ratio |
MAODV uses a shared tree for data
dissemination. If a single tree link breaks because of node movement, packet
collision, or congestion, destinations cannot receive packets |
ODMRP provides redundant routes with a
mesh topology and the chances of packet delivery to destinations remain high
even when the primary routes are unavailable |
ODMRP suffers from scalability issues
as the multicast group increases or the sender size increases |
ODMRP maintains per-source meshes
connecting receivers and senders. As the number of senders increase, periodic
Join Query packets increase, causing higher amounts of congestion and control
overhead |
MAODV uses a single multicast group
leader to send out periodic Hellos through the network. Increasing the number of senders has
minimal impact |
Future Work
Study impact of traffic (not just CBR) |
Preliminary results show that MAODV is
more sensitive to traffic type |
Reduce flooding overhead inherent in
both protocols using pruning and dominant pruning |
MAODV: lower data delivery ratio, but
also lower overheads |
Improve tree maintenance by
pro-actively predicting link failure and triggering tree maintenance BEFORE
receivers get disconnected |
Results for unicast case show that link
breakages based on received signal power strength can accurately be predicted
and used to significantly reduce number of dropped packets |
Reduce packet drop rates by 30% - 45% |
Increase control messages by 19% - 43% |
Reduce packet latency by up to 25%
(though some increase possible at low mobility rates) |