- Thomas Kunz
- Systems and Computer Engineering
- Carleton University
- tkunz@sce.carleton.ca
- Ad-Hoc Networks, radio communication, multi-hop connections
- Routing protocols (AODV, DSR, OLSR) typically find shortest path
(minimum hop count), though a range of other metrics (ETX, maximum
throughput, minimum energy consumption, etc.) have been explored as well
- Network bandwidth is scarce:
- Limited by wireless technology
- Self-interference of single-radio multi-hop communication reduces
end-to-end bandwidth for single flows
- All nodes share common media: interference, collisions, back-offs
- Question: how well do routing protocols utilize scarce wireless
- Idea: model problem as multi-commodity flow problem, add interference
constraints, and solve with Linear Solver
- max: Z_A Z_A: flow from A to C
- Flow Balance constraints (per node): X_I,J: flow over link from I to J
- X_A,B = Z_A + X_B,A
- X_B,A + X_B,C = X_A,B + X_C,B Flow Balance Constraint: as much
- X_C,B + Z_A = X_B,C flows into each node as out
- Capacity Constraints (per link) Capacity Constraint: no link can
- X_A,B <= LINK_BW exceed link bandwidth
- X_B,A <= LINK_BW
- X_B,C <= LINK_BW Solution: Z_A = X_A,B = X_B,C = 1 (assuming
- X_C,B <= LINK_BW X_B,A =
X_C,B = 0
- L1 = L3 = 0.5, L2 = L4 = 0
- Scheduling Constraints Scheduling Constraints: model
- L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 <= 1 interference. Idea is based on
- X_A,B <= LINK_BW * L1 scheduling transmission over non-
- X_B,A <= LINK_BW * L2 interfering links by determining
- X_B,C <= LINK_BW * L3 maximum sets of non-interfering
- X_C,B <= LINK_BW * L4 links.
- Determining all independent link sets is NP-complete, so heuristically
determine a few (will generate lower bound on network capacity)
- Can modify LP to account for different radio models, rate-adaptive MACs,
- Straightforward to extend to multiple flows
- For N nodes, S flows, and M independent sets, the maximum number of
variables will be (N-1)*(N-1)*S + S + M, and N*S + M + 1 constraints
- To model actual network, numbers depend on topology:
- 100 nodes in a 1500 m x 1500 m area and 50 flows, attempting to find
10,000 independent scheduling sets: the maximum number of variables is
500,100, with 15,001 constraints. Using randomly generated static
topologies, we counted between 46,000 to 70,000 variables and around
5,200-5,700 constraints.
- Maximum AODV throughput: 178 kbps (for 15 sender/flows)
- LP: Maximum throughput 1.2 – 1.8 times LINK_BW (2 Mbps), depending on
node distribution and min flow constraint
- Naïve Interpretation: Huge Gap (7.5 % of LP result)
- More Detailed Analysis:
- MAC Overhead (analytical results): saturation throughput only 40% of
LINK_BW for packet size, number of neighbors
- Accounting for routing protocol overhead (50% of all MAC transmission)
- Lost packets also consume network resources: 15 sender generate
aggregate of 300 kbps, only 178 kbps received. If packets are, on
average, dropped midway, corresponds to 61 kbps of end-to-end traffic
- For nonuniform node distribution with minimum flow constraints: lower
bound on achievable end-to-end throughput is 1.016 Mbps (2 Mbps * 1.27 *
- Simulation Results for Maximum End-to-End Throughput:
- Delivered CBR traffic: 178 kbps
- Lost CBR traffic: 61 kbps
- Control Packets: (178 + 61) kbps
- Sum total: 478 kpbs or 46% of analytical lower bound
- 54% of available capacity not utilized
- Existing MANET routing protocols ignore/underutilize available network
- Current and Future Work on MANET Routing Protocol:
- Currently working on new routing algorithm, TB, that finds routes
through less loaded areas of network (similar to DSR): higher PDR,
lower latency
- TB uses medium usage (collected at MAC) to determine network load, need
to study other metrics
- Apply TB to MESH networks to balance traffic load to APs/Gateways
- Future Work on Linear Programming:
- LP implicitly finds routes as well – can we use or approximate those?
- LP does not adequately capture effects of packet loss (senders inject
“just right” amount of traffic to achieve max. performance) or routing
- LP is computational complex and does not deal with dynamic scenarios