qYasser L. Morgan and Thomas Kunz, “A Proposal for an
Ad-hoc Network QoS Gateway”, to
appear in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile
Computing, Networking and Communications WiMob-05, Montreal Canada, August
qYasser L. Morgan and Thomas Kunz, “A Design Framework for
Wireless MANET QoS Gateway”, to appear in the
Proceedings of the 6th ACIS International Conference on Software
Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed
Computing, pp. 31-37, Towson USA, May 2005.
qYasser L. Morgan and Thomas Kunz, “Enhancing SWAN QoS
Model By Adopting Destination-Based Regulation (ESWAN)”, in the Proceedings of
the 2nd WiOpt-04 Conference for Modeling and Optimization in Mobile Ad-hoc
and Wireless Networks, pp. 112-121, Cambridge UK, March 2004.
qYasser L. Morgan and Thomas Kunz, "PYLON: An architectural
framework for ad-hoc QoS interconnectivity with access domains", in the Proceedings
of the 36th International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii USA,
January 2003.
qYasser L. Morgan and Thomas Kunz, “An Architectural
Framework for MANET QoS Interaction with Access Domains”, Proceedings of the 1st
International Conference on Ad-Hoc and Wireless Networks, pp 33-47, Toronto
Ontario-Canada, September 2002.