- Rana Alhalimi and Thomas Kunz
- Motivation
- OLSR and Our Modifications
- Initial Results
- Prediction Strategies
- Guessing
- Prediction
- Smart Prediction
- Conclusions and Future Work
- QoS routing in MANETs
- Supports interesting applications
- Requires “accurate” state information
- Little work to quantify accuracy of state information
- QoS routing protocols exist
- State information aggregation discussed for LARGE wired networks,
including loss of information (ATM, hierarchical networks, etc.)
- Some work on quantifying amount and accuracy of topology information
- Existing evidence seems to suggest that
- More accurate state information results in “better” routing decisions
- More accurate state information is difficult to collect
- OLSR: uses MPRs to
- Efficiently propagate topology information
- Constrain routing to MPRs while guaranteeing shortest path -> only
partial topology is known
- Two key protocol messages
- Hello: propagate 1-hop and 2-hop neighbor information, used to route to
close neighbors and to select MPRs
- TC (topology control) messages: propagate partial topology information
to all nodes, allows them to build a (partial) view of topology and
determine shortest paths
- Modification:
- Piggyback nodal energy level onto Hello and TC messages, including a
- Nodes build a database for all known/reachable nodes and their known
energy levels, based on most recent report
- Periodically report actual and perceived nodal energy levels
- All tests done with NS2 version 2.27 with OOLSR version 0.99.15
- Initial question: how accurate is the energy level information and do
the OLSR protocol parameters (Hello interval, TC interval, MPR coverage,
and TC redundancy) significantly impact the accuracy
- For example: decreasing TC interval should result in more frequent
propagation of state information, but comes at a cost of increased
control message traffic
- Provided some empirical evidence on QoS state information inaccuracy
under OLSR
- Initial results not too surprising, except that little control via OLSR
protocol parameters
- Improvements in state information accuracy are possible
- Guessing was not a good idea J
- Prediction can be made to work for a
metric like energy
- Future Work
- Explore results under mobility
- Demonstrate more clearly the impact of more accurate state information
on routing performance
- Apply similar ideas to other state information, for example Queue
Length (used for load-balanced routing)