Energy-Efficient MANET Routing:
Ideal vs. Realistic Performance
Thomas Kunz
Systems and Computer Engineering
Carleton University

Overview of Presentation
Brief Review of OLSR
Modifications to OLSR
Energy-Efficient Protocol
Collect state information (residual nodal energy level)
Simulation Results

Wireless nodes are severely energy-constrained
Typically operated using a battery of finite capacity
Limited to no opportunity for energy scavenging
Nodes in multihop wireless networks cooperate by routing packets
Lots of research interest/proposed protocols, some standards approved by IETF (AODV, DSR, TBRPF, OLSR)
Routing metrics: shortest hop (best effort), QoS routing (max throughput, min delay), load balanced routing, energy-efficient routing
Sources of energy consumption
Radio consumes bulk of energy (more than say CPU or disk)
Radio: Transmit > Receive > Idle >> Sleep

Motivation (cont.)
Energy-Efficient Routing Protocols:
Range of energy metrics/routing objectives (some are contradictory):
Maximize network lifetime (time until first node, 50% of nodes die)
Minimize energy cost per packet (particularly for radios with power control)
Balance residual nodal energy (allow all nodes to continue operation longer)
Maximize “useful” work of network (i.e., send more packets before running out of energy, either at sender/receiver or intermediate nodes)
Many different routing approaches
Pro-active vs. reactive
New protocols vs. extending standard protocols
Existing energy-efficient protocols require a node to have state information (node’s residual energy level, etc.)
No discussion of accuracy of collected information/impact on performance
QoS routing: little work as well, some evidence that accuracy of information impacts quality of routing decisions and protocol overhead

OLSR: Optimized Link State Routing
Pro-active protocol (i.e., nodes determine/maintain paths to all other nodes, through periodic exchange of control messages)
Optimizes the link state flooding mechanism
Multipoint Relay (MPR) nodes achieve the optimization
A set of MPR nodes is chosen by each node in the network
The node’s view of the topology becomes partial

MPR Selection
Basis: periodic HELLO messages, that contain information about sender’s 1-hop neighbourhood à allows receiver to collect information about 2-hop neighbourhood
Each node selects its own MPRs from its 1-hop symmetric neighbours
Through the MPRs all symmetric strict 2-hop neighbours must be reached
Recalculated when symmetric neighbourhoods change (1-hop or strict 2-hop)

MPR Selection (cont.)
MPR set = Ø
MPR += 1-hop neighbors with willingness=Will_always
MPR += 1-hop neighbors that are the only ones reaching a 2-hops neighbor
Remove the 2-hop neighbors reached by the MPRs
Add 1-hop nodes (to the MPR set) providing maximum reachability of 2-hop neighbors UNTIL reaching all 2-hop neighbors.

Path Determination
Information dissemination to construct routes
Broadcast by MPRs only through periodic TC (Topology Control) messages, all nodes receive these messages and store the topology information
Links between an MPR and its selector set (Advertised Neighbor set) are the minimum information that must be broadcast
Run a Shortest Path algorithm on partial topology info to determine shortest hop path
guaranteed to be not longer than minimum hop path in full network topology

Modifying OLSR to make it Energy-Efficient
Two (obvious) choices for modifying OLSR routing decisions
MPR Selection
Path Determination
Prior work: change one or the other (or both) to achieve QoS routing, etc.
Typically: best results are achieved when both components are modified
Our changes: modify both components as explained below, explore performance of all combinations
MPR Selection: pick 1-hop neighbors with max residual energy level until all 2-hop neighbors are covered (note: may not result in minimum set of MPRs)
Path determination: run Dijkstra, but assign weight to links based on receiving node’s reciprocal energy level (steers routes away from nodes with low energy level, avoids need for threshold)
Prior results: best option is to only change Path Determination, second best often is to combine modified path determination with modified MPR Selection

Modifying OLSR to Propagate State Information
Extend Hello and TC messages to include a node’s state information and a timestamp, in addition to a node’s address etc.
Store this information in the relevant OLSR information bases (topology base, neighourhood base, etc.)
Search through databases to determine most recent value every time a node’s residual energy level is needed
Note: does not, per se, require nodes to be synchronized, as we only compare entries for the same node/clock. But if nodes were to be coarsely synchronized, we could then use this to reason about age of information as well….
Alternative using sequence numbers has similar overheads and would not allow reasoning about information age.

Simulation Setup (NS2 version 2.27 with OOLSR 0.99.15)
Basically 4 Protocol Variations
Protocol Variants: Modified Routing and Modified MPR/Routing
Two versions each: Ideal (nodes have omniscent, accurate info about state information) and realistic (nodes learn about state information through control messages)
Three mobility scenarios: static, low mobility, high mobility
Traffic model: three CBR flows randomly chosen, senders send data at 4 different rates (low to overload traffic)
Performance metric: number of data packets successfully delivered

Simulation Results: Static Scenarios

Simulation Results: Low Mobility Scenarios

Simulation Results: High Mobility Scenarios

Accuracy of state information does matter
Realistic versions always performed poorer than ideal versions of the same protocol variant
Performance loss due to inaccurate state information can be as high as 10%
Initially exploration: some of the state information is really old (in excess of 20 seconds) and therefore very inaccurate
In particular under high traffic load: control messages sometimes get lost
Future work
Explore sources/reasons for inaccuracy in more depth
Explore ways to increase accuracy
Wicon 2007: paper on “smart prediction”, which works well for monotonic state information such as residual energy level
Probing old information adds more control messages to the network and does not help