Web Server Statistics for [Thomas Kunz]

Program started at Tue-02-Sep-2003 13:26.
Analysed requests from Thu-01-May-2003 00:03 to Sun-31-Aug-2003 23:54 (122.99 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending 02-Sep-2003 13:26).
Successful requests: 99,815 (2,368)
Average successful requests per day: 811 (338)
Logfile lines without status code: 4 (0)
Successful requests for pages: 37,284 (1,179)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 303 (168)
Failed requests: 22,194 (622)
Redirected requests: 283 (6)
Distinct files requested: 12,353 (785)
Distinct hosts served: 5,508 (358)
Data transferred: 35.86 gigabytes (505.29 megabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 298.59 megabytes (72.18 megabytes)

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each month.

Each unit (+) represents 300 requests for pages or part thereof.

   month:  reqs: pages: 
--------: -----: -----: 
May 2003: 19121:  8800: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Jun 2003: 18174:  7338: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Jul 2003: 28765: 11537: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Aug 2003: 33755:  9609: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest month: Jul 2003 (11,537 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 200 requests for pages or part thereof.

day:  reqs: pages: 
---: -----: -----: 
Sun:  9189:  4484: +++++++++++++++++++++++
Mon: 11442:  5734: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue: 14096:  5946: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed: 25099:  4936: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu: 12327:  5449: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri: 16848:  6907: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat: 10814:  3828: ++++++++++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 50 requests for pages or part thereof.

hour: reqs: pages: 
----: ----: -----: 
   0: 2591:  1184: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
   1: 3260:  1265: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   2: 3577:  1105: +++++++++++++++++++++++
   3: 4356:  1346: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   4: 4524:  1171: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
   5: 5197:  1112: +++++++++++++++++++++++
   6: 6030:  1130: +++++++++++++++++++++++
   7: 4939:  1136: +++++++++++++++++++++++
   8: 3416:  1596: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   9: 3533:  1740: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  10: 4551:  1733: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  11: 4069:  1662: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  12: 3811:  1559: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  13: 4094:  1570: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  14: 4229:  1967: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  15: 6516:  2167: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  16: 5700:  1566: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  17: 4072:  2069: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  18: 3236:  1931: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  19: 2515:  1330: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  20: 4794:  2140: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  21: 3182:  1868: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  22: 3083:  1494: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  23: 4540:  1443: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 reqs: %bytes: domain
-----: ------: ------
99815:   100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]

Organisation Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.

Listing the top 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes: organisation
-----: ------: ------------
12711: 69.53%: 203.208
 6630:  0.46%: 202.158
 4700: 14.04%: 203.162
 3998:  0.23%: 64.230
 2809:  0.87%: 64.68
 2779:  0.31%: 216.39
 2361:  0.57%: 134.117
 2182:  0.17%: 62.135
 2135:  0.13%: 209.237
 1681:  0.05%: 65.214
 1643:  0.06%: 216.88
 1606:  0.18%: 66.196
 1532:  0.18%: 12
 1238:       : 195.101
 1147:  0.01%: 200.41
 1106:  0.06%: 137.122
  988:  0.01%: 217.255
  940:  0.02%: 64.140
  705:  0.03%: 202.88
  651:  0.01%: 131.171
46273: 13.09%: [not listed: 2,405 organisations]

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the HTTP status codes of all requests.

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

 reqs: status code
-----: -----------
60701: 200 OK
23382: 206 Partial content
   24: 2xx [Miscellaneous successes]
  214: 301 Document moved permanently
   69: 302 Document found elsewhere
15708: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
   12: 400 Bad request
 6639: 403 Access forbidden
15069: 404 Document not found
   54: 405 Method not allowed
  271: 406 Document not acceptable to client
   63: 411 Length required
    2: 413 Request too long
   12: 416 Requested range not valid
    8: 500 Internal server error
   64: 501 Request type not supported

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the sizes of files.

       size:  reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: -----: ------: 
          0: 12967:       : 
   1B-  10B:     0:       : 
  11B- 100B:  2670:       : 
 101B-  1kB: 17004:  0.02%: 
  1kB- 10kB: 32516:  0.35%: 
 10kB-100kB: 13355:  1.18%: 
100kB-  1MB: 12318: 14.20%: 
  1MB- 10MB:  8970: 83.84%: 
 10MB-100MB:    15:  0.41%: 

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of files.

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 reqs: %bytes: extension
-----: ------: ---------
20373: 93.16%: .pdf  [Adobe Portable Document Format]
 1665:  2.81%: .gz   [Gzip compressed files]
 1577:  2.68%:   .ps.gz
   88:  0.13%:   .pdf.gz
  647:  1.18%: .ppt
  884:  1.01%: .ps   [PostScript]
28114:  0.68%: .htm  [Hypertext Markup Language]
 5392:  0.42%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
18557:  0.16%: .gif  [GIF graphics]
 6243:  0.11%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
17940:  0.46%: [not listed: 19 extensions]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 reqs: %bytes: directory
-----: ------: ---------
14627: 78.70%: /thesis/
24071: 18.69%: /sce536/
17234:  0.67%: /sce401/
   87:  0.45%: /mascots/
 6113:  0.43%: /sce581/
19496:  0.40%: /talks/
 2031:  0.20%: /mobile_research/
 8067:  0.17%: [root directory]
  771:  0.08%: /mobile/
  475:  0.06%: /sce301/
 2624:  0.06%: /sce574/
 2293:  0.06%: /loganalysis/
 1584:  0.01%: /research/
  342:  0.01%: [not listed: 12 directories]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes:       last time: file
-----: ------: ---------------: ----
 2114:  3.22%: 26/Aug/03 10:17: /thesis/maoyuthesis.pdf
 2061: 24.51%: 23/Aug/03 01:34: /thesis/ismailessay.pdf
 2031:  1.34%: 25/Aug/03 14:38: /thesis/janethesis.pdf
 1991: 21.61%: 21/Aug/03 07:43: /thesis/yangthesis.pdf
 1631:  4.52%: 31/Aug/03 11:53: /sce536/gsmandgprs.pdf
   75:  0.05%: 19/Aug/03 01:38:   /sce536/gsmandgprs.pdf?Cache
 1468:  2.43%: 21/Aug/03 07:42: /thesis/wangthesis.ps.gz
 1441: 21.54%: 20/Aug/03 22:55: /thesis/mohamedthesis.pdf
 1349:  1.97%: 28/Aug/03 05:03: /thesis/wenpingthesis.pdf
 1344:  1.20%: 29/Aug/03 14:46: /thesis/yingthesis.pdf
 1094:  2.39%: 30/Aug/03 11:59: /sce536/wirelesslans.pdf
  876:       : 30/Aug/03 09:57: /sce401/chap02_files/master05.xml
  830:       : 31/Aug/03 22:12: /frame_master.html
  823:  0.02%: 31/Aug/03 22:11: /
  787:       : 31/Aug/03 22:12: /menu.html
  781:  1.63%: 31/Aug/03 01:15: /sce536/introduction.pdf
  594:  0.47%: 30/Aug/03 10:41: /sce536/wirelesscellular.pdf
  577:       : 31/Aug/03 22:12: /frame00.html
  550:  0.01%: 31/Aug/03 23:52: /sce401/
  534:  3.09%: 30/Aug/03 12:58: /sce536/routing.pdf
  524:  1.27%: 30/Aug/03 13:33: /sce536/tcpandwirelesstcp.pdf
  503:  0.91%: 30/Aug/03 12:28: /sce536/ipandmobileip.pdf
  443:  0.31%: 31/Aug/03 20:39: /sce536/appendix.pdf
  438:       : 29/Aug/03 22:49: /frame12.html
  409:       : 31/Aug/03 14:48: /frame11.html
  408:  0.04%: 31/Aug/03 23:16: /mobile_research/mobile.html
  392:  1.12%: 30/Aug/03 14:24: /sce536/systemsupport.pdf
  392:  0.40%: 30/Aug/03 10:57: /sce536/ampsandcdpd.pdf
  387:  0.66%: 31/Aug/03 13:14: /sce536/imt-2000.pdf
  381:  0.02%: 31/Aug/03 22:11: /kunz_new.gif
  376:  0.51%: 30/Aug/03 13:52: /sce536/services.pdf
   12:  0.01%: 29/Aug/03 15:59:   /sce536/services.pdf?Cache
  368:       : 31/Aug/03 23:28: /sce401/flash.gif
  365:       :  9/Aug/03 15:50: /sce401/chap12_files/master05.xml
  359:       : 31/Aug/03 22:11: /carleton.gif
  354:       : 31/Aug/03 22:11: /th-logo.gif
  350:  0.01%: 31/Aug/03 22:11: /darmstadt.gif
  347:  0.02%: 31/Aug/03 22:11: /uw.jpg
  336:  0.01%: 31/Aug/03 22:11: /coat.gif
  331:  0.01%: 31/Aug/03 22:11: /name.gif
  324:       : 22/Aug/03 21:36: /sce401/chap07_files/master05.xml
  294:       : 25/Aug/03 18:16: /talks/mswim00_files/master04_image001.jpg
  289:  0.01%: 31/Aug/03 05:21: /sce536/
  287:  0.14%: 28/Aug/03 00:21: /sce536/sol2.htm
  283:       : 19/Aug/03 03:45: /sce401/chap09_files/master05.xml
  260:       : 30/Aug/03 09:57: /sce401/chap02_files/master05_stylesheet.css
  242:       : 31/Aug/03 23:28: /sce401/chap04_files/master05.xml
  242:       : 30/Aug/03 11:47: /sce536/flash.gif
  240:       : 30/Aug/03 09:57: /sce401/chap02_files/script.js
  234:       : 31/Aug/03 10:10: /sce574/
  226:       : 21/Aug/03 14:40: /sce401/chap08_files/master05.xml
  221:       : 31/Aug/03 23:30: /sce401/chap03_files/master09.xml
  219:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /frame01.html
  210:  0.03%: 30/Aug/03 09:57: /sce401/chap02_files/outline.htm
  206:  0.01%: 31/Aug/03 01:44: /mobile_research/
  203:  0.03%: 30/Aug/03 00:41: /mobile_research/image7.jpg
  200:  0.02%: 30/Aug/03 00:41: /mobile_research/image9.jpg
  196:       : 31/Aug/03 20:59: /sce581/
  192:       : 31/Aug/03 10:00: /pictures.html
  191:  0.01%: 30/Aug/03 00:41: /mobile_research/image8.gif
  187:       : 30/Aug/03 09:57: /sce401/chap02_files/slide0069.htm
  184:       : 27/Aug/03 12:09: /talks/ottawau_files/master04_image001.jpg
  176:  0.02%: 30/Aug/03 00:42: /mobile_research/image10.jpg
  175:       : 30/Aug/03 10:08: /research/research.css
  174:       : 30/Aug/03 10:08: /research/next_motif.gif
  174:  0.49%: 25/Aug/03 19:51: /sce536/gprs2.ppt
  174:  0.01%: 31/Aug/03 10:27: /sce574/handout.htm
  169:  0.02%: 30/Aug/03 00:42: /mobile_research/image11.jpg
  167:  0.02%: 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/log.s03.html
  164:       : 27/Aug/03 20:30: /talks/semnet02_files/master04_image001.jpg
  161:       : 30/Aug/03 10:08: /research/up_motif.gif
  161:       : 30/Aug/03 10:08: /research/previous_motif.gif
  157:       : 30/Jul/03 00:09: /sce401/chap10_files/master05.xml
  151:       : 21/Aug/03 05:38: /sce401/chap06_files/master05.xml
  146:  0.01%: 14/Aug/03 04:33: /mobile/icr2b.ps.z
  144:       : 28/Aug/03 14:14: /sce574/introduction_files/master03_image001.wmz
  144:       : 31/Aug/03 09:47: /frame05.html
  141:       : 28/Aug/03 14:14: /sce574/introduction_files/master03.xml
  140:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/org.png
  138:       : 31/Aug/03 19:31: /talksandthesis.html
  136:  0.05%: 26/Aug/03 16:45: /sce536/midsol.htm
  134:       : 12/Aug/03 08:08: /talks/mswim00_files/master04.xml
  134:       : 22/Aug/03 08:23: /talks/nomadic97/sld009.htm
  132:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/code.png
  132:       : 10/Aug/03 08:38: /talks/mswim00_files/master04_image002.png
  132:       : 31/Aug/03 20:42: /sce401/chap09.htm
  131:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/images/analogo.gif
  131:       : 30/Aug/03 09:57: /sce401/chap02.htm
  129:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/type.png
  128:       : 27/Aug/03 12:11: /talks/ottawau_files/master04.xml
  127:       : 29/Aug/03 09:40: /sce401/chap12.htm
  126:       : 20/Jul/03 15:52: /talks/mata'00-1_files/master04_image001.jpg
  126:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/size.png
  125:       : 28/Aug/03 14:14: /sce574/flash.gif
  124:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/images/barb1.gif
  123:       : 27/Aug/03 12:11: /talks/ottawau_files/master04_image002.png
  123:       : 31/Aug/03 10:18: /research/node9.html
  123:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/images/barb32.gif
  122:       : 31/Aug/03 23:29: /sce401/chap03_files/slide0001.htm
  121:       : 31/Aug/03 10:14: /research/node4.html
  120:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/images/barb4.gif
  119:  0.01%: 25/Aug/03 18:16: /talks/mswim00_files/outline.htm
  119:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/dir.png
  119:       : 31/Aug/03 23:29: /sce401/chap03.htm
  118:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/images/barb16.gif
  118:       : 25/Aug/03 20:01: /sce536/howto/sld022.htm
  117:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/images/barb8.gif
  117:       : 31/Aug/03 23:29: /sce401/chap03_files/master09_stylesheet.css
  117:  0.15%: 31/Aug/03 23:20: /sce536/wap.ppt
  116:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/images/barb2.gif
  112:       : 27/Aug/03 08:46: /talks/wireless2000_files/master04_image001.jpg
  109:       :  9/Aug/03 15:47: /sce401/chap12_files/script.js
  109:  0.01%: 31/Aug/03 12:22: /sce401/handout.htm
  108:       :  9/Aug/03 15:47: /sce401/chap12_files/master05_stylesheet.css
  108:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/req.png
  107:       : 31/Aug/03 23:29: /sce401/chap03_files/script.js
  107:  0.02%: 30/Aug/03 00:41: /mobile_research/image13.gif
  107:  0.10%: 21/Aug/03 20:19: /sce536/sol2.ps
  106:       : 31/Aug/03 20:19: /sce401/chap11.htm
  105:       : 31/Aug/03 23:28: /sce401/chap04.htm
  105:       : 28/Aug/03 00:22: /sce536/sol2_files/image001.gif
  103:  0.01%: 30/Aug/03 00:41: /mobile_research/image12.gif
  103:       : 20/Aug/03 08:32: /sce574/computerarchitecture_files/master03_image001.wmz
  103:       : 20/Aug/03 08:32: /sce574/computerarchitecture_files/master03.xml
  103:  0.20%: 29/Aug/03 14:32: /thesis/ahmedthesis.pdf
  102:  0.09%: 24/Aug/03 13:57: /sce536/mobiledata.ppt
  102:       : 31/Aug/03 11:44: /talks/euro-pds98/tsld001.htm
  101:       : 30/Aug/03 09:57: /sce401/chap02_files/frame.htm
  101:       : 28/Aug/03 00:22: /sce536/sol2_files/image008.gif
   99:       : 31/Aug/03 05:39: /talks/euro-pds98/tsld003.htm
   98:       : 28/Aug/03 00:22: /sce536/sol2_files/image007.gif
   96:       : 20/Aug/03 10:06: /talks/bell2001_files/master04_image001.jpg
   96:       : 31/Aug/03 10:07: /research/research.html
   95:  0.01%: 30/Aug/03 00:41: /mobile_research/image14.gif
   95:  0.01%: 14/Aug/03 05:22: /mobile/icr3a.ps.z
   95:       : 31/Aug/03 23:00: /sce574/introduction.htm
   94:       :  9/Aug/03 13:31: /sce581/introduction_files/master04_image001.jpg
   92:  0.12%: 29/Aug/03 17:58: /thesis/liangthesis.pdf
   92:       : 31/Aug/03 08:04: /talks/luebeck/sld011.htm
   92:       : 30/Aug/03 09:38: /talks/nomadic97/tsld012.htm
   92:       : 31/Aug/03 23:54: /sce574/operatingsystem.htm
   91:       :  8/Jun/03 23:58: /sce581/wirelesslans_files/master04_image001.jpg
   90:  0.01%: 30/Aug/03 00:41: /mobile_research/image15.gif
   90:       : 31/Aug/03 08:21: /sce581/howto/sld020.htm
   90:       : 31/Aug/03 23:28: /sce401/chap04_files/outline.htm
   90:       : 31/Aug/03 08:01: /sce581/gsmandgprs.htm
   89:       : 31/Aug/03 21:38: /talks/john2/sld005.htm
   89:       : 31/Aug/03 10:09: /mobile/summary.html
   89:  0.20%: 31/Aug/03 20:29: /thesis/rakeshthesis.ps.gz
   88:       : 31/Aug/03 03:20: /talks/john2/tsld012.htm
   88:       : 31/Aug/03 14:59: /loganalysis/images/html2.gif
   88:       :  8/Jun/03 23:58: /sce581/wirelesslans_files/master04.xml
   88:       : 31/Aug/03 08:05: /talks/euro-pds98/sld002.htm
   88:       : 30/Aug/03 16:09: /talks/john2/sld002.htm
   88:       : 31/Aug/03 23:28: /sce401/chap04_files/master05_stylesheet.css
   87:       :  9/Aug/03 12:44: /sce581/introduction_files/master04_image002.png
   87:       : 31/Aug/03 19:27: /talks/john2/tsld003.htm
   87:       :  9/Aug/03 12:44: /sce581/introduction_files/master04.xml
   87:       : 31/Aug/03 10:21: /utilities.html
   86:       : 30/Aug/03 23:03: /sce401/chap02_files/slide0002.htm
   86:  0.01%: 14/Aug/03 04:33: /mobile/icr2c.ps.z
   86:       : 28/Jul/03 04:48: /sce536/gsmandgprs_files/master04_image001.jpg
   85:       : 29/Aug/03 22:47: /sce401/chap07.htm
   85:       : 31/Aug/03 23:29: /talks/nomadic97/sld006.htm
   85:       : 31/Aug/03 15:43: /talks/luebeck/tsld005.htm
   85:  0.01%: 31/Aug/03 23:29: /sce401/chap03_files/outline.htm
   85:       : 31/Aug/03 19:30: /sce401/chap05_files/v3_document.htm
   84:       : 31/Aug/03 19:27: /frame07.html
   84:       : 11/Jul/03 15:14: /talks/semnet02_files/master04_image002.png
   84:       : 14/Aug/03 14:10: /mobile/icr3b.ps.z
   83:       : 30/Aug/03 17:10: /talks/ai99/sld003.htm
   83:  0.01%: 30/Aug/03 00:41: /mobile_research/image16.gif
   82:       : 30/Aug/03 17:31: /sce581/howto/sld024.htm
   82:       : 30/Aug/03 18:26: /sce401/chap02_files/v3_slide0069.htm
   82:       : 30/Aug/03 04:36: /sce581/howto/sld017.htm
   82:       : 30/Aug/03 22:44: /sce581/howto/sld007.htm
   81:       : 30/Aug/03 09:57: /sce401/chap02_files/buttons.gif
   81:       : 31/Aug/03 12:16: /talks/john2/sld007.htm
   80:       : 30/Aug/03 23:56: /talks/mswim99/sld002.htm
   80:  0.08%: 29/Aug/03 03:26: /sce581/wap.ppt
   80:       : 30/Aug/03 02:59: /talks/john2/
   80:       : 19/Aug/03 20:32: /talks/semnet02_files/master04.xml
   80:       : 31/Aug/03 15:15: /sce574/algorithmanalysis.htm
   80:       : 31/Aug/03 19:15: /sce581/howto/sld028.htm
   80:       : 31/Aug/03 10:15: /talks/mswim99/sld012.htm
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   20:       : 12/Aug/03 13:54: /talks/hicss03-4_files/master04_image001.jpg
   20:       : 27/Aug/03 03:51: /sce536/sol2_files/image009.gif
   20:       : 14/Aug/03 14:40: /sce581/howto/tsld013.htm
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   20:       : 29/Aug/03 13:33: /sce581/howto/tsld008.htm
30584:  1.42%: 31/Aug/03 23:30: [not listed: 11,458 files]

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